Thursday, January 15, 2009

Farewell President Bush

Hi, Kids, we are on day two, stopped for the night in Forsyth, GA. I think it is about 20 miles from Macon. Last night we stayed in the same room in Paducah, Kentucky. Patti cracked up laughing when I told her were were sharing a room! I don't think she could visualize our bathroom phobias all in one place! (Except for Red, of course, who has no problems whatsoever in that department.) We had a peaceful night. Dad is using an oxygen machine to help his night breathing. It hummed quietly, and nobody even snored.

But for this evening, I just wanted to watch President Bush with some admiration and respect. That would have been hard to do with some of the present company, not to mention any names. He did a good job with the good-bye speech. So the Burnetts are in Room 207 and the Maynards are in Room 208.

This morning was cold. Really windy, so we felt right at home. The farther south we went, the better it got temperature wise. We pulled off the interstate to tour the Chickamauga - Chattanooga National Military Site. That was cool, lots of info. It was the first place designated as a historical site, even before the one at Gettysburg. That delay had us trying to drive through Atlanta at 5pm. The traffic was as you would expect for that time of day. It was worth it, though. Red took a wrong lane turn, so we looped around the City for awhile before getting back on the right interstate. It was good for Dad to see how a person can take a wrong turn and not go balistic. (Did I spell that right? My spelling skills have gone to pot over the past few years.)

Mom and I have decided that a "girl trip" is more laughs. Or maybe it having the comedian not with us? There is conversation, but no funny quips. Everytime we pass into a new state, Dad says, "Kentucky - the BlueGrass State." Or "Tennesse - The Service State". Or "Georgia - The Peach State". Tomorrow I am going to beat him and say, "Florida - The Sunshine State!"

Jason has dinner reservations for tomorrow evening and golf tee times for Saturday morning. Then we go to the condo on Sunday. More later. If things don't get a little more exciting, well, I may just stop this posting before it has even really started! Love y'all. I am having a little trouble figuring out how to manage this writing. Hopefully, Jason can help me out!


  1. Hey I missed G-pa's call a few minutes ago. Not sure who's number that was ending in 2364? Is that yours? Did you all travel through Nashville on your way to Chattanooga? Gpa said you purchased The Tennessean! Thanks for the job support. :) Have fun.

  2. Oh man...sounds like fun! Thanks for keeping us updated. We miss you guys already. And yes, girl trips are fun but then the girls would have to do the driving, might not even reach your destination if that were the case!

  3. I know Grandpa didn't read the Register this I'll copy and paste what the Publisher wrote. It's long...


    I’ve been talking with area business leaders, employees and readers about this unprecedented economic situation over the last several weeks. The big theme in those conversations, no surprise, is how much everyone is struggling to manage through such uncertainty.

    People are evaluating and prioritizing what is most important in their business and personal lives. They are making tough decisions they’ve never had to make before to survive now, and to thrive again later.

    It’s no different for The Des Moines Register.

    Like all Iowans, we’ve already had a few months of tough decisions. We’ve dealt with a reduction in employees and a furlough program in hopes to avoid further layoffs in this volatile first quarter. We’re making tough, but necessary decisions. Some decisions have us setting aside what we want to do for what we need to do. Some simply accelerate what we were already planning, like increasing and expanding our digital content to meet the growing demand for it.

    Starting on Monday, you will see some changes in the layout of The Des Moines Register. The headline is that we’ll be merging some sections and moving some features.

    We’re combining the Metro & Iowa and Business sections into one. You’ll find Health inside IowaLife on Wednesday. The comics, the puzzles, Dear Abby and the TV grid are moving into Datebook on Thursdays. We will no longer publish Saturday stock listings, but we’ll still feature stocks of Iowa interest. We will no longer publish classified sections on Mondays or Tuesdays, although our online Marketplace is always active, 24/7.

    These changes are driven by economics and a determination to prepare our business for the long term. We’re doing what so many are talking about: prioritizing what changes we need to make now in order to be poised to take advantage of new opportunities later.

    I know that some of our loyal readers won’t jump up and down over these changes. But my hope is you’ll understand why we’re making them.

    What isn’t changing is our commitment to deep local coverage and stories that make a difference. We’ll continue our exclusive watchdog and public service journalism. We’ll bring expert coverage of issues related to education, health care, business and the environment.

    We’ll continue to celebrate and showcase Iowa’s special moments like the State Fair, RAGBRAI, high school proms, Iowa sports and the Buddy Holly anniversary.

    We’ll use print, and all the new tools and technology available, to bring you the very best in those experiences. We still have, by far, the largest group of news professionals covering central Iowa and this state — and doing it like no one else can.

    What also doesn’t change is how proud I am of the work we do and the employees who inspire me each and every day. It’s not the layout that makes The Des Moines Register what it is — it is our people.

    Laura Hollingsworth is president and publisher of The Des Moines Register.

  4. Sorry I missed your call last night. I LOVED Grandpa Bill's message, it lasted almost 2 minutes. :-) I will try you all today.
    I can't wait to see you all!
    Love ya!

  5. Hey, tomorrow I will show G'pa the Register article. I am sure he will appreciate the update. They must have been lonely for you kids, being on the phone like that! Pictures to come soon. Love, Aunt Billye

  6. Oh Billye!!! That is the battleground I took Jimmy to. It was the bloodiest of all the battles - did you know that? We had such an awesome time and it has been years since I've thought about it. Your trip has made those memories come alive - oh what fun we had!!

    It is almost 100 degrees warmer here in AZ than it is in Iowa. I'm glad I'm here!!!!!

    Have a great trip! Sharing hotel rooms like that always brings about great memories in the years to come!!

    Love ya,

  7. Love it!! Is Grandpa writing down all the times you pass thru these states? Did I tell you that he did that when we met in Illinois? All the way back to Iowa he compared notes as to how long it took to get the the next town. I just love him!
