Monday, February 9, 2009

Home in Eldon, Iowa

Red and I have been home all weekend, and are now ready to start February in Illinois. We dropped off G'pa and G'ma in Eldon, Red went off to visit friend Gaylord, and an hour later we were driving again. We were in Sandwich by 9:30 pm Friday evening, and so this break from winter is all over.

Who would have believed that I spent 25 days, 24/7 with my parents? That is how it went. And I enjoyed their company and appreciated God's grace throughout the time. We did more than I had expected, and yet less than I had planned. I thought that maybe I could take time, read and study the Word, plan for the coming year, set some goals for myself and that just didn't happen. Instead I did as much talking and interacting as an introvert can do, and it was a Trip.

I will continue to read all of your blogs and reply in the comment section. The internet is such a modern blessing for connectiveness within families. The pictures and video clips of the Benson Girls' BD party was cute. Boston is growing like a weed, and he is adorable. Drew sings "Jesus Loves Me" like an angel. Piper and that hair!! Gavin smiles from ear to ear. Katie's babies are having fun in the California Sunshine. Can somebody plan a time for everybody to get together?

Did you all know that Patti and Terry engineered a surprise for the folks when we returned home? They moved all the furniture out of the living room, and ripped up the carpet. It was long overdue, still in pretty good shape, but ready for a modern layer! Then they hired a man to treat the walls, and paint over the old wallpaper. The carpet is a plush tannish color, the walls are in a latte creamish chocolate color. Jeanetta helped Patti decide which paint to go with, and actually I think it is the same color as some of her newly painted rooms. It is beautiful. Then Patti dusted and washed aalllllll the nick-nacks and returned them to the shelves. She put all the pictures of family on the smaller bookcase by the tv. It looks pretty and clean.

When we entered the porch, two big tomato buckets were sitting beside the door. G'ma said, "Hmmmm, I wonder what those buckets are doing there?"
G'pa replied, "Well, maybe Terry had to use them to carry the dog food down to the basement or something?"

Then we went inside. She noticed right away and walked to the living room. She asked if I knew about this? Then she started crying. G'pa came into the room and started cussing. A man can't show any emotion, you know, or at least a man of a certain era. They were really surprised and appreciative. So thanks and more thanks to Patti and Terry for all the effort, and of course, for feeding and cleaning after the bird dogs.

Tara and the girls drove down on Saturday to visit them. I know that G'ma and G'pa had been homesick and missing all the near-by family. On the way home she said that she had a hankerin' to see Meghan. So maybe one of these weekends, Patti and I should drive her to Indiana. She was disappointed that we didn't swing over to Nashville so she could hold Boston. But Red's back was too stiff, and we opted to head home from Marc's. Red goes to the dr tomorrow. I have a bunch of dental work to be completed this spring and summer. Gonna try to make this the year of a healthy living attempt! ( and by the way, who ever says "hankerin'?")

Thank you for all of your prayers for traveling safety for us. God gifted us with easy driving, great roads and weather, little traffic, and plenty of sightseeing. Most days were overcast, with a little bit of sun. G'ma remarked that Grandma Miller use to say that anytime you could see enough blue in the sky to make a pair of overalls, it would clear up in the afternoon and be a bright day. (She would be your Great, Great Grandmother Augusta Miller.) I love you all. This is the last writing for Billye's ABreakFromWinter Blog. Fare Thee Well!


  1. So, what was G'pa cussing about? That someone tore up his carpet or cussing like... "Oh Hell, this is nice."

  2. Don't think you can get off that easily, Mom. We're all expecting you to start another blog with your thoughts and life happenings.

  3. It's the second one, Jess. Something like "Well, I'll be damned. What did they do that for!!"

  4. That is such a wonderful gift what Patti and Terry did for them! We need to take a weekend sometime soon and go for a visit in Eldon. And yes, I agree with Katie you need to continue blogging!!

  5. Please come back Billye!!! And thanks so much for the valentine card with the photos! I always like to have my fridge updated with recent photos of all kids in the extended family. Piper will know them all by name eventually. :)
