Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Homeward Bound

Snow. We are on the way home to Iowa. It was in Kentucky that we hit the white, and I sent a text to Jason telling him it was beautiful. He replied that he was glad it was us and not him. We drove through where the ice storm was and could not believe our eyes. It looked like a war zone. Power lines are still down, trees and tree branches everywhere, white tips of the trunks looking like spears. Schools are cancelled for the week.

We stopped at Marc and Jeanetta's. Dad started chipping the ice on the driveway, and he trekked out to the pointers' pen for a scoop shovel. That is three times as far as it was on Seneca Street. Jeanetta had potato soup for supper; we watched the Iowa vs Indiana bb game. This is beautiful home, even in the winter. Marc is working way too hard, and Jeanetta is trying to get the unpacking and homemaking done. The poodles were glad to see Mom. It is great to be where they are residing.

We spent Tuesday night in Clarksville, TN. Home of Wilma Rudolph. She was an Olympic runner way back when. I read about her in my school days! She was sick in her childhood, persevered, and succeeded. I was kinda thrilled to be in her town, isn't that strange!

Before that we spent time in the National Bird Dog Hall of Fame in Grand Junction, TN. It was an impressive collection of paintings and memorabilia of Bird Dog handlers, owners, breeders,etc. Many wealthy men and women, Dr's, lawyers, plantation land owners who pursued this hobby. (To Dad it was like walking around seeing famous people, like Jackie Robinson, Willie Maye's, Babe Ruth, Shoeless Joe, Roger Marris, and their stuff.) He knows them all, their lines of breeding, who won what trial, the judges at the trial, whether birds were found. Amazing. You know, I am clueless about dogs, but Mom said that he really wanted to show me this place. Now sometimes her elaborations on situations can be off the mark, but I had never thought that going to this place was something he wanted to do with me. (And maybe it wasn't.) But anyhow, I am really glad we stopped.

It was dark in the building and at some of the picture columns it was hard to read the gold plated inscriptions. He got down on the floor, squinting at the words. He wished he had a flashlight. I tried to read them for him. I swear he named every bird dog picture before I read the words, way back to 1929!

Oh, also - there was a big glassed-in exhibit, about the size of Sammi's bedroom. The woods scene showed a black & white speckled setter pointing a covey of quail bunched up on the other side of a wooden fence. Ten quail were scattered. Some flying, some hidden under leaves, some stretching wings. Beautiful visual of "the hunt". And the dog was the REAL ONE, stuffed or taxidermied. Just like Roy Roger's "Trigger" horse. His name was Count Noble. So anyway, it was good to see the importance of hunting quail and bird dogs in his life. But that was kinda creepy to see a stuffed dog!

I can't remember if I wrote about the hospitality of Jenny, did I? We just couldn't have enjoyed ourselves any more that we did. She has posted pictures of the day. We loved eating at the old fashioned drug store. Shopping was great, and we found countless bargains. (Like boots, jeans, pretty dress for Hawaii, t-shirts, and such.) We played Phase 10, ate delicious left-overs, and just hated to say Good-bye. Oh, also the next morning Jenny said, "Angie is calling, we're gonna skype at 9 o'clock." Mom and I eyed each other with no comprehension at all. She explained. That was SO FUN~ when Drew saw Mom, he smiled and said, "Hi, Grandma!!" She truly loved his little beaming face.

Mom seems tired today, and rightly so. She wouldn't take a nap at Jenny and Brents'. She isn't eating right, either. Today she wanted a donut, and we suggested she try a salad. Now what fun is that on vacation? Not much. She'll probably bounce right back for more action after a good night's sleep. Maybe pictures tomorrow.


  1. So glad to hear all of the exciting things, Mom. Wish I could Skype you with the kids tonight!

    We're loving this weather. Tali keep saying, "I don't even need my coat!" It is so cool to run around with them at the bay. Tali said, "Tali likes sunshine!"

    Can't wait to see you guys when we get back!

  2. That is horrible to hear about Kentucky, still having powerlines down. I heard it was bad, but didn't know it was that bad. I am sure you all are ready to get back home and to a normal routine. So, did she take your suggestion and eat the salad or did she eat the donut? Ha, ha! Drive safely the rest of the way home!

  3. I miss you guys already. I am praying for safe travels for you guys. Also... I need Jason's cell so that I can see him in Hawaii. Love Ya!
